For centuries, women were forbidden to set foot into sake breweries, let alone be involved with its production. Today, women are the ones driving the most exciting changes within the ever-evolving sake industry in Japan. KAMPAI – SAKE SISTERS, invites audiences into the passionate lives of three game-changing women who are making their mark on the highly competitive, traditionally male-dominated world of sake.
Miho Imada comes from a family of Master Brewers and is considered, thanks to the award-winning sake she produced out of the artisanal Imada Sake Brewery, on today’s most renowned Master Brewers. Many emerging women brewers consider Miho their big sister, who paved the way for them. Marie Chiba, the manager of a trendy sake bar in Tokyo, is a trail-blazing sommelier. She tirelessly searches for the best sake but her loyal customers, many of them women, especially appreciate her exceptional talent for pairing sake and food in completely fresh and unexpected ways. Rebekah Wilson-Lye, originally from New Zealand, fell in love with sake while teaching English in Japan. Her ability to pick up more flavor and nuances than most sommeliers quickly earned her accolades and expertise to campion the best creations and their brewers all over the world.
The stories of these sake sisters offer a comprehensive and mouthwatering portrait of how women are taking ownership of sake and are adapting ancient traditions to create a new era.
Selected Filmography director:
2003 Close to You (short)
1999 Blind (short)